This is the 8th year for the Local Quilt Shop Contest. The Local Quilt Shop Contest was created to highlight the efforts of local quilt shops and provide the general public an opportunity to show their appreciation. By supporting local quilt shops, we are building community, maintaining centers for inspiration and enriching our local economies. and the sponsors are dedicated to local quilt shops and their diverse sewing communities.
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Are you a member? This is the greatest deal ever! Only $25.00 a person per year. We meet on the second Friday of each month at 6:30 pm until ??? You get 10% off every purchase throughout that year. You also get 20% off purchases made during each Sip & Sew event. FREE snacks and drinks (leaded & unleaded.) You also get to be the first to preview all new fabric! Plus, we have a whole lot of fun!
On each site, search for the white bunny that says YouFoundIt!
Click on the image and complete the prize registration page. Continue shopping or hop to the next shop. You can also view the shops you have visited and the ones you need to visit in your Member Area.